Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Doing Things We Don't Like

The most lovely thing to do is doing activities we like and enjoy most. But people say that people should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing. I completely agree with that opinion.

There are some conditions when people should do things that they don't like. There are situations where people must force themselves into doing something boring. That's why people couldn't be selfish by only doing things that they like.

As an example, studying is an activity that some people hate. But I'm sure that all of us know that it is a very important activity we must do. Studying has great advantages for our life. The other example is eating healthy foods. Some people assume that most healthy foods always taste bad like rubbish. The same reason as studying, eating healthy foods gives us good effects even though we don't like the taste.

There are a lot of activities we don't like that we must try to enjoy. However, the key is in our mind. Try to keep our mind positive, try to enjoy all good activities. Try to do something not by judging whether we like or dislike, but by considering their advantages. Someday, little by little, we will enjoy something we used to hate.

May 2011
a writing task for my IBT class

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Assalamu'alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh...

(Puji syukur kehadirat Allah yang masih memberikan nikmat iman dan Islam pada diri ini..)

Selamat datang di blogku yang mungkin hanya berisi secuil pemikiran dan ungkapan isi hati...

Sungguh, kebenaran datangnya hanya dari Allah. Adapun kesalahan datangnya murni dari diri ini. Untuk itu mohon masukan, kritik, dan sarannya serta mohon dimaafkan atas segala kesalahan. Terima kasih. Selamat menikmati. Semoga bermanfaat dan membawa berkah. Amin

(Mulakanlah dengan membaca Basmalah.... dan akhirilah dengan Hamdalah..)