Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Eating at Home is Better Than Eating at a Restaurant

Food is an important need for our body, it can produce energy to support our body to do our daily activities. There are some kinds of people who like to enjoy their meal by preparing and eating it at home, while others prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants.

In my opinios, there are about three reasons why people like eating food at restaurants. First, people who are busy and haven't enough time at home or to prepare the meal themselves, so they haven't any choice except buying foods outside.

The second reason is habit or lifestyle. Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants to show their prestige. Restaurant's foods are usually more expensive than cooking at home. So, people will consider them as highclass.

Most teenagers like spending their time outside. They also take their meals outside while hanging out. Teens love to enjoy their meals at the same time as they chat and laugh together with their gangs.

There are various reasons why people eat at restaurants, but from my point of view, the best way to have our meals is by preparing and eating at home. Not only is it cheaper, eating at home is much healthier and safer. Why so? By cooking food on our own, we can control the quality : the cleanliness and also the content of the food. That's why eating at home is much better than eating at restaurant.

May 2011
a writing task for my IBT class


  1. how about people like me and others who live in boarding house? me and my friends have no stove because its have been taken by our b**rd*rs m*m. :(

    it's better to share some foods regularly from people like you for us :D

  2. haha..sorry tif don't be offended.. :D

    people who live in boarding houses without any stove is a different case,it can be understandable.. :)

    haha,come here to my house beib.. ^^

  3. Hai mbak dwinna :),
    This post inspires me to try new recipe.Last evening, I made crispy mushroom, hehe.

  4. Alhamdulillah.. :)
    It sounds delicious..May I try your cooking? :D


Assalamu'alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh...

(Puji syukur kehadirat Allah yang masih memberikan nikmat iman dan Islam pada diri ini..)

Selamat datang di blogku yang mungkin hanya berisi secuil pemikiran dan ungkapan isi hati...

Sungguh, kebenaran datangnya hanya dari Allah. Adapun kesalahan datangnya murni dari diri ini. Untuk itu mohon masukan, kritik, dan sarannya serta mohon dimaafkan atas segala kesalahan. Terima kasih. Selamat menikmati. Semoga bermanfaat dan membawa berkah. Amin

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